In its ninth year under the Office of the City Manager, the Pearland Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) embraced the resurgence of leisure events, sports tournaments, and travel to Pearland. Activity included the launch of new marketing initiatives, the expansion of sports tourism efforts, and the addition of leisure-based events to attract visitors to Pearland.
The CVB continues to feature the many unique offerings provided by local boutiques, hotels, parks, restaurants, and attractions. Promoting Pearland as a year round, Gulf Coast destination to visitors remains the focus of the CVB. The fiscal year (FY) culminated in ranking at the number two spot for highest hotel occupancy tax revenue generated since inception of the Pearland CVB in 2013.
The CVB’s partnership with the United States Fastpitch Association (USFA) expanded in 2022 and remained the primary driver of youth sports tournaments in Pearland. In addition to generating additional competitor leads and bookings, the partnership produced a total of 1,140 room nights for Pearland hotels representing a 30% increase from the previous year. Pearland welcomed a total of 303 teams with 72 traveling teams and an overall attendance of 13,810.
The Pearland International Cuisine Trail launched in March of 2022, highlighting locally owned restaurants and inspiring visitation. Initiated by the CVB in tandem with a software vendor, the digital passport program has generated nearly 100 restaurant visits so far and continues to advance awareness of the ever-expanding Pearland culinary scene.
City Council adopted Ordinance 1611 addressing short-term rental (STR) properties in Pearland on April 11, 2022, with a July 1, 2022, effective date. Initiated by the CVB, the adopted ordinance is an effort to create a more equal regulatory and taxation structure for the STR properties as compared to traditional hotel/motel properties in the City. The CVB coordinated efforts with various City departments to support the July 1 launch date.
The CVB in conjunction with Mayor Cole conducted a Listening Tour with local, arts-related organizations to better understand each entity’s position in a post-pandemic setting as well as their plans for a path forward. A total of 26 sessions occurred between July 1 and November 22, 2022, revealing several similar themes, gaps in service and communication and the absence of a common vision for the city regarding arts initiatives. The work led to a request for proposal (RFP) for a Cultural Arts Master Plan. The contract award is slated for City Council consideration Spring 2023.
To see statistics from the Pearland CVB’s 2022 report click here.