What better way to give thanks and celebrate this Thanksgiving, than a morning with your closest friends and family. Run, eat and give thanks. This year things are a little bit different. Join the virtual, Pearland Turkey Trot!
Pearland is the proud home to the 5th Annual Pearland Turkey Trot. Turkey Trots have been part of the American Thanksgiving Day tradition dating back to 1896 with the founding of the Buffalo New York Thanksgiving Day Race. Over the years, many communities and organizations have joined in this wonderful holiday ritual, and Pearland, Texas is proud to be the home a growing tradition in 2020.
Every finisher will receive their very own 2020 Pearland Turkey Trot Shirt & Finisher Medal. All the items will be shipped to completed registrations after Thanksgiving.
For more information, go to pearlandturkeytrot.com/general.html